Welcome to Moles class! Our teacher is Mr Humber, who has been teaching for sixteen years, the last eight of which have been at Bedwell. He is really good at art, history and maths, and he says his favourite things are rugby and pizza!
Home learning ideas:
Our latest news:
"The friendly and supportive atmosphere at Bedwell Primary School means that pupils feel safe and secure and enjoy their learning."
History - This term we have been delving into the past and learning all about the Roman Empire and how the Roman invasion affected modern day England. Did you know that without the Romans we may never have had cats, coins or even stinging nettles? We have been both fascinated and horrified by some of the things that the Romans did for pleasure, such as feasting on flamingos and dormice or watching gladiators battle to the death in the Colosseum. We have made a start on creating our own mosaic in the style of a Roman floor and look forward to linking these tiles together to create a whole class masterpiece!
English - In the second half of the term we focused on the non-fiction genre of chronological reports, learning about their structural and language features. We looked at many different examples but our main text was all about dragons. After we had explored this report we began by adding two new paragraphs to our model text, before moving on to write a whole new text of our own. We carried out lots of research on an animal of our choice in order to write reports that were packed with facts and detail.
English - Our next fiction topic focuses on Science Fiction stories, so expect our writing to be full of aliens, robots, space ships and time travellers! We will be exploring different ways that feelings are shown in writing, including through description and the use of emotive language. We will continue to develop our use of speech, punctuating it correctly and using short bursts of dialogue to show what characters are thinking or to move the plot forward. We will also be developing our use of short sentences to add drama and tension. In our reading lessons, meanwhile, we will be developing our predicting, summarising and detective skills, looking for those key clues that show us how characters feel and what they are likely to do next.
Maths - Our main focus at the start of term will be on multiplication and division strategies. We will start by revising strategies to x and ÷ by 10, 100 and 1000, and will then learn to use formal written methods to multiply and divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers (solving calculations like 34 x 4 or 84 ÷ 6). Later in the term we will be returning to the topic of time, recognising how days, weeks, months and years are linked and then learning to read and write the times shown on analogue clocks (with hands). Throughout the term, we will also continue to practice and learn our tables facts, aiming to complete our Star (x2, x5 and x10 tables) and Superstar (x3, x4 and x6 tables) by the time we start Year 4.
Science - We will be exploring different types of forces, including pushes, pulls, gravity and friction, and thinking about the way that these affect the way that objects move in different situations. We will design and carry out fair tests to see which materials create the most friction, and to discover which materials stick to magnets. We will also investigate different ways in which we can measure forces.
Humanities - Water is all around us and vital to every type of life, and in this topic we will be learning about the way that the Water Cycle means that it is constantly being reused and recycled. We will locate the world’s major oceans, seas and rivers on a variety of maps, and discuss the difference between fresh water and sea water (and why it matters). We will also investigate the impact of water on environments, both shaping landscapes and affecting the growth of many towns and cities.
Take a look at our curriculum map for more information on our topics.
If you're looking for a place in Nursery or Reception, you can find out lots more about our school in our Early Years Prospectus.
We're always keen to show potential new applicants around - just get in touch with the school office to arrange a tour.
Once you're ready to apply, head to the admissions page to find out more about the process - we run Nursery admissions ourselves, but from Reception upwards, these need to be made via Herts County Council.