
Mathematics is a key subject that covers a huge range of topics and skills. As well as practicing mental and written methods for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing, we learn about money, measures, time, shape, statistics, co-ordinates and a whole lot more besides. 

Our biggest focus over the last two years has been on developing our mathematical reasoning skills - the ability to apply what we know to a range of problems and use a range of strategies to unpick and approach problems. This can be tricky, and at times involves getting a bit stuck - but it's these 'stuck points' that help us to become more independent, make more rapid progress and, ultimately, become better mathematicians.

In order to do this, we base our teaching around the Herts for Learning Essential Maths planning tool. This ensures constant links are made between concrete,  pictorial and representations, so that all children can make rapid progress towards mastery of the curriculum.

"Leaders have put in place an ambitious curriculum for all pupils that is well suited to their needs."

Ofsted report, 2022

Learning guides

Below you will find links to documents explaining what learning looks like in each year group:

This term's learning

Year 5 and 6 - Across all of our maths sets, a big focus this term was on measures. We completed lots of practical challenges to develop the ability to read scales precisely and measure mass, capacity and length. This also helped us to build an understanding of what 1kg or 1 litre ‘looks like’, so we can make sensible estimates and spot when answers just can’t be right. Those of us in Year 6 have also taken part in weekly Booster sessions, building our understanding and confidence, ready for our national SATs tests in May.


Year 2 - Hedgehogs spent a long time learning how to tell the time and at last we think we have cracked it! We now know our o’clocks, half pasts, quarter to and quarter past. We’ve even tried using the language of ‘minutes to’ and ‘minutes past’ the hour.

Early Years Admissions  

If you're looking for a place in Nursery or Reception, you can find out lots more about our school in our Early Years Prospectus.

We're always keen to show potential new applicants around - just get in touch with the school office to arrange a tour. 

Once you're ready to apply, head to the admissions page to find out more about the process - we run Nursery admissions ourselves, but from Reception upwards, these need to be made via Herts County Council.