We’ve continued to pack in lots of parent and carer workshops throughout the term, sharing our learning, celebrating successes and giving ideas for supporting children at home. Year 5 organised a Stay and Read session, with lots of ideas for exploring new stories; Year 3/4 put together a brilliant art workshop, focussing on stone age art; and (as you can see from the photos on these pages), Year 1/2 ran a fantastic Stay and Make morning, linked to their Seaside topic.
An amazing 52 parents and carers joined Year 1/2 for their session, making fish mosaics, jelly fish, shadow paintings and fishing games. It was great to see whole families working together to create pieces of art and sharing what they had made. Thank you to everyone who took part in these sessions. We’ve been working hard to develop home-school links over the last two years, and it’s been brilliant to see how the number of people attending has continued to grow and grow!
This term we have more events planned, including Stay & Play sessions and lots of events linked to reading, maths and phonics- keep an eye on the diary pages for more information.
"Leaders have a strong commitment to supporting pupils wellbeing and personal development."