School policies

Bedwell School, like all other schools and most organisations, has a wide range of policies which explain the way that we organise ourselves and do things. 

These govern everything from behaviour to uniform to maths teaching, and are renewed periodically (depending on the policy, this can range from annually to every 3 years). Some of these (particularly those dealing with staffing and safeguarding) are based on nationally or locally agreed models. Othes (particularly those covering teaching and the curriculum) are much more specifc to our school ethos, values and community. However they are written, however, they all have to be reviewed and agreed by our school governors - head here to find out more about who they are.

Links to pdf versons of all our polices can be found below. Paper copies can be obtained via the school office - for contact details, check here

"Teachers and other adults have very positive relationships with pupils. As a result pupils work with confidence and commitment."

Ofsted report, 2022

Policies A-C
  • Admissions Policy - details on how admissions to the school are made and managed.
  • Attendance Policy - how we ensure excellent levels of attendance for all our children and deal with issues of non-attendance. 
  • Behaviour Policy - lays out the system we use to ensure that everyone is treated fairly has the same high  expectations for behaviour.
  • Biometric Data - confirms that we do not collect or hold any biometric data.    
  • Capability Procedure - explains how we manage situations where there are serious concerns about staff performance that have not been resolved through the normal appraisal process. 
  • Charging and Remissions Policy - explains when we will charge you for activities which your child is invovlved in (and when we will not). 
  • Chid Protection Policy - all the things we do to make sure that the School is a safe, secure place and that everything we do is run responsibly. 
  • Children Looked After - how we promote the educational achievement and welfare of Children Looked After or Previously Looked After within our school. 
  • Complaints Policy - information on how to contact us if If you are dissatisfied about the way your child is being treated, or any actions or lack of action by the School. 
Policies D-Q
Policies R-Z