Pupil Premium

The pupil premium grant provides schools with additional funding to improve the progress and attainment of disadvantaged pupils. All schools receive extra funding based on the number of children who have been registered for Free School Meals at any point in the last 6 years - which, for us at Bedwell, is a large group (around 36% of children on roll). As a result, this year we will receive a total of £137,640 (this is a predicted figure and the total may vary slightly due to fluctuations in pupil numbers).

We have used guidance from a charity called the Educational Endowment Foundation to help us to use this funding in the most effective way possible. Their report (which you can check out here) recommends a tiered approach to Pupil Premium spending: 

  • Teaching should be the top priority, including professional development, training and support for early career teachers and recruitment and retention. 
  • Targeted support for pupils working below Age Related Expectations 
  • Providing non-academic support, including improving attendance, behaviour and social and emotional support. 

Following this approach, we have developed a 3-year Pupil Premium Strategy. You can read our complete Pupil Premium Strategy Statement here.

"Pastoral care for pupils and their families is strong. Pupils feel well cared for because leaders and staff go out of their way to help and support them."

Ofsted report, 2022

Teaching priorities
  • Improving retention of prior learning: CPD for teaching staff to revisit 'sticky learning' strategies; series of staff mettings to explore these strategies, share practice and review    
  • Enhancing phonics teaching: phonics leader running a programme of monitoring, supporting and team-teaching with all staff delivering Read Write Inc;  additional staffing to provide for small-group teaching; phonics assessment of children from Nursery – Y3 every 6 weeks; purchase of RWInc resources; training for all new staff 
  • Developing the teaching of writing: trialling use of HfL Essentials for Writing scheem to enhance writing curriculum; monthly monitoring of English books by Writing Leader and SLT; developing provision of Early Writing opportunities in EYFS
  • Improving provision for children with SEND: Termly training for all staff, looking at effective strategies to support key areas of need (ADHD, autism, anxiety); Regular meetings between SENDCo, teachers and TA teams, discussing current practice, what is / isn’t working and suggesting new strategies and sources for external support; CPD on effective use of Assess-Plan-Do-Review (APDR) cycle.
  • In school experiences and events to enhance cultural capital: themed days in each year group, linked to humanities topics; visiting theatre in education groups;  speakers / presenters / workshops for Reading Week and Science Week; release time for subject leaders and class teachers
  • Embedding talk across the school day: CPD for teachers and whole staff; providing resources and ongoing training; SLT release time to implement and monitor impact 
Targetted support
  • Phonics catch-up: additional one-to-one phonics sessions for those who are not on track to pass Y1 phonics screening 
  • Spelling support: use end-of-year assessments in Years 3-5 to identify target groups within each cohort for whom Write Words might be an effective intervention; deliver sessions to targetted children at least 3x per week; writing lead to regularly monitor provision and progress  
  • Small-group tutoring in Y6: in-school Booster sessions in maths, with children working in groups of 6-8; after-school reading sessions for targettted groups of children, delivered by a teacher the children in that group known well  
  • Speech & language support: personalised intervention programmes delivered by specialist Speech & Language TA; use of WellComm toolkit to provide targeted support to children in EYFS; delivering Nuffield Early Language Intervention in EYFS
Wider strategies
  • Supporting wellbeing: counselling sessions (with in-house, qualified counsellor); Family Support Worker delivering targeted interventions & providing support to children and families 
  • Monitoring, supporting and responding to attendance: member of admin team given specific attendance role; planning meetings held with targeted families to identify reasons for non-attendance & agree action plans; regular meetings between admin team, Headteacher & Attendance Improvement Officer to monitor attendance & identify next steps; rewards for excellent attendance at end of each term 
  • Developing home-school links: programme of parent events throughout year; a range of formats, including practical activities, Stay & …… sessions to show how we learn and parent workshops; share classroom practice, including strategies and resources to use at home; parents should leave sessions with a clear understanding of something they can do at home;  termly topic maps sent home to keep parents informed on current learning 
  • Providing a good start to the day through Breakfast Club: provided free of charge to disadvantaged children; encourages attendance, arriving on time and being ready to learn at the start of school 
  • Delivering a programme of off-site trips and visits to enhance Cultural Capital: trips are subsidised for disadvantaged children; includes residential trip for Y6; planning and preparation time for adults involved in trips
  • Sensory circuits: daily sessions for a targeted group of children (either before school or during morning registration time), the majority of whom are disadvantaged; activities designed to alert, organise and then calm