The pupil premium grant provides schools with additional funding to improve the progress and attainment of disadvantaged pupils. All schools receive extra funding based on the number of children who have been registered for Free School Meals at any point in the last 6 years - which, for us at Bedwell, is a large group (around 36% of children on roll). As a result, this year we will receive a total of £137,640 (this is a predicted figure and the total may vary slightly due to fluctuations in pupil numbers).
We have used guidance from a charity called the Educational Endowment Foundation to help us to use this funding in the most effective way possible. Their report (which you can check out here) recommends a tiered approach to Pupil Premium spending:
Following this approach, we have developed a 3-year Pupil Premium Strategy. You can read our complete Pupil Premium Strategy Statement here.
"Pastoral care for pupils and their families is strong. Pupils feel well cared for because leaders and staff go out of their way to help and support them."