Science Club

We run two different science clubs at different points during the year. Our Year 3/4 Club do loads of hands-on, practical experiments, including:

  • testing our fingerprints to see if they really are all different
  • building bridges to span gaps between cliff-tops
  • finding ways to send messages silently across the hall
  • making our own toothpaste and comparing it with shop-bought tubes  
  • exploring chemistry with household products, identifying acids and alkalis
  • building simple circuits and using them to find out which materials are good conductors
  • making our own kits and flying them on windy days!

By carrying-out these investigations and sharing our conclusions, we are able to complete the CREST Superstar award, run by the British Science Association.  Last year, an impressive 26 children from years 3 and 4 completed this award!


This year, we also ran a Year 5/6 club for the first time, who worked towards the more challenging Discovery Award (which is usually tackled by children in Years 7 and 8). The group explored machine learning and AI, developing their understanding of how many of the platforms we use (like Spotify and Netflix) 'learn' more about us (and others like us) and use this to make targeted recommendations. They then used this understanding to design apps of their own, covering everything from football training to fashion to 'helping' with homework, enabling all 16 members of the club to complete their award.

"Pupils are confident and have well-developed social skills… The school is a calm and orderly place in which to learn."

Ofsted report, 2022