Home Learning

The events of the last few years have really emphasised the importance of home learning opportunities - and it has also been the catalyst for an explosion in the number and range of resources available online. We're crossing our fingers that online lessons are now a thing of the past, but (just in case), our guide to remote learnng can be found here:

Below you will find a list of school-wide approaches that we use (along with links to all the relevant sites and portals), while further down the page you will find class-specific information, linked to current topics and learning:

"Teachers and other adults have very positive relationships with pupils. As a result pupils work with confidence and commitment."

Ofsted report, 2022

Year 1
  • Throughout the year we are exploring how our environment changes with the seasons. You could build on this at home in lots of ways - exploring the park, making maps or looking for signs of autumn and winter on the way to and from school. Visit the Oak National Academy for useful resources. 
  • We’re focussing on exploring and talking about our local area, so why not do the same? Can you find a new park or place to go in Stevenage that you’ve not explored together before? Could you take a few pictures or make a map of the area to share in class and help us to talk about what makes our town different to other local places?
Year 2
  • Share stories, pictures, postcards and mementos from seaside trips in the past. What things did you do at the seaside? Why did you go to that particular place? If you’ve been to the seaside in different countries, think about what is similar and different about all these places.
  • We’re learning all about seeds, plants and growth this term, so a bit of gardening at home would be a great way to build on this knowledge. Plant seeds or flowers in the back garden or grow cress on the windowsill, and think about what these plants need in order to grow well (and what happens to them when we forget to water them!) 
  • We’re working on observational drawing this term - drawing things that we can see in front of us, trying to make them as accurate as possible. Nothing is more useful in developing these skills than practice, so pick a favourite thing and have a go - and there are lots of ideas on the Tate Kids site: www.tate.org.uk/kids/make  
Years 3 and 4
  • Each week we are set spellings to learn. Click here for guidance on strategies you can use to support your child in learning these at home. 
  • You can have a go at coding in Scratch by heading to scratch.mit.edu or downloading the Scratch app. There are loads and loads of tutorials, ideas and examples of other people’s work available on the Scratch site.
  • We’re focussing on newspaper recounts, so encourage your child to read a newspaper and think about the way that information is presented. This doesn’t need to be complicated politics - local news in The Comet or sports reports on the back page all count!
  • Maths homework goes home every Thursday. Your child should be familiar with the content from class, but encourage them to talk about what they’re doing and how the strategy works. 
  • Start learning times tables facts - in Year 3, 2x, 10x, 5x and then 3x tables would be a great place to start. In Year 4, we're aiming to know all our facts by heart by the end of the year. 
  • If you’re looking for an afternoon out, many of our local museums have Anglo-Saxon finds and relics amongst their collections - including Stevenage, Hertford and Ware Museums (all of which are free to enter). Check their websites for more details on visiting. There are more resources to support the teaching of Anglo-Saxons topic on the BBC Bitesize site: www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zxsbcdm
Years 5 and 6