Design & Technology Week 2024

We spotted a free space on the school calendar in the last full week of term, so we decided to turn it into DT Week across the school! Every year group picked a project to focus on: 


In Years 1 and 2, we chose to make beach huts, linking in with our Seaside topic. We learnt to saw and glue wood to make solid frames, which we then decorated. 

In Years 3 and 4, we explored pneumatic systems - linking plastic syringes with tubes to make things move using air pressure. We chose how to apply these to our final machines, making everything from SpongeBob leaping out from his house to rockets blasting off into space!


In Year 5, we built model cars, using circuits, switches and pulleys to create vehicles that whizzed across the hall floor. 

Finally, in Year 6 we built tents for a festival trip, constructing strong structures that would stand up to wind and rain. 

"Subject leaders have thought carefully about how pupils build their knowledge and skills over time from early years to Year 6. They have developed highly consistent planning and methods of delivery that help pupils learn well over time."

Ofsted report, 2022