We Will Rock You!

The whole of KS2 came together this term to perform We Will Rock You, and we were all incredibly proud of the show that we created. With Y6 taking on the lead roles, Y5 playing Bohemians and the Killer Queen’s entourage, and Y3/4 as the GaGa Kids, our production had a cast of 170, making this a huge project. Thank you to everyone who provided costumes and helped out with all the props, hair and make-up that we needed to get into character!


After weeks of rehearsals, practice and construction we were finally ready to perform on 9th and 10th July. Across three performances, we sold over 320 tickets, and were blown-away by the positive feedback, cheers, laughs and applause that we received. It was brilliant to be able to put on a show on this scale, and it could only take place as a result of a huge amount of time, energy and effort from the whole school community - and Years 3, 4 and 5 are already desperate to start rehearsing for next year!

"Teachers and other adults have very positive relationships with pupils. As a result pupils work with confidence and commitment."

Ofsted report, 2022