School Council Latest

One of our first jobs this term was to elect our new team of School Councillors. Everyone was given the chance to run in elections in their class, presenting speeches to try to convince our classmates that we would be great at this job. Everyone then cast their ballot, with the winning boy and girl in each class elected for the year - you can see some of our winning speeches here


Stevenage Schools Parliament

Jazzi, Billie, Dillan and Max represented us at the Autumn meeting of the Stevenage School Parliament, which met in the actual council chambers. As well as meeting the mayor, they participated in a discussion around how we can all support positive mental health for everyone in Stevenage. 



School Council decided to focus on fundraising for new laptops this year and helped to organise events like the Halloween Disco and Funky Hair Day. You can find out more about their progress here.

"Pupils are confident and have well-developed social skills… The school is a calm and orderly place in which to learn."

Ofsted report, 2022