Our Summer Disco

On the final Thursday of term we held a fantastic Summer disco, celebrating a brilliant year and marking our Year 6’s final week at Bedwell. With over 150 children from Years 1-6 coming back to school to join the party, the evening was full of energy, dancing and laughter, as well as a few tears from those of us who will soon be leaving Bedwell and moving onto somewhere new (and bigger). We ate lots of burgers and pizza, we drank too many fizzy drinks, we got our nails painted and we danced energetically around the Hall - all in all, it was a great way to spend an evening!


As a result of all this, we collected £989 for School Council funds. Having secured all the funding we need for our new Trim Trail, this will give next year’s school councillors a head-start on their next fundraising project.


Can we all send a massive thank you to the staff who volunteered to give up their time to organise and run the disco, making our brilliant evening possible!

"Teachers and other adults have very positive relationships with pupils. As a result pupils work with confidence and commitment."

Ofsted report, 2022