On 16th June, a group of 34 intrepid Year 6s set-off on this year’s PGL expedition. We spent 3 days at the adventure sports centre at Marchant’s Hill, trying out a huge range of activities that we would never be able to experience at home.
Over the weekend, we took part in raft building, abseiling, zip wire, sensory trails, archery and the giant swing - and it was great to so many of us taking on challenges and overcoming fears to make the most of every session. We also discovered lots of hidden talents and abilities that we would love to be able to explore further, with some of us showing expert marksmanship with an archery bow, while others showed amazing climbing skills on Jacob’s Ladder.
The other big aim for the weekend was to spend a few nights away from home, without any contact with mums and dads. This was tricky (and a first for many of us), but again it was great to see how we both grew in independence and supported each other while we were away.
"Leaders have put in place an ambitious curriculum for all pupils that is well suited to their needs."